Casino and gambling

Casino and gambling guide and advice


Rocky Video Poker Machine

Although card games have been around ever since one can remember, latest technology has definitely aided each of its facets, making it even more interesting and entertaining for the participants. One such contribution towards furthering the poker culture is definitely…

History of Video Poker

The First Years Believe it or not, this game is actually older than slot machines. In 1891, Brooklyn, New York, Sittman and Pitt designed a machine which had card symbols printed on 5 reels. By pulling a lever, one obtained…

Winning Slot Strategies

What comes to your mind’s visual whenever you hear the word ‘online slots machines’? Probably beefy rich businessmen on their expensive Armani’s spinning the reels and hitting jackpots right? The seductive and challenging image these machines instantly conjure on the…

How to Win on a Slot Machine

Many of the first time casino goers want to learn how to win on a slot machine. Over the years, playing in slots has become very popular all over the world. It is fun and very simple to play with….

Ways to Win

I would like to share with you ways to win at slots with the following 7 tips I can share with you below. Using slots tips is essential and playing the smart way can bring you bigger wins and payouts….