Casino and gambling

Casino and gambling guide and advice


Keno Strategies

Before you read the keno strategies that you need from this article, a review of the game keno shall serve as an introduction.

The game keno is an ancient game that originated from the Chinese. It was also called Chinese Lottery and it does resemble games such as lotto and bingo. The main difference in the game of keno is that it has more games and has a better offering of odds. 30 percent of the bets go to the house though. However, where other gambling games are concerned, keno is certainly not lacking in the fun department.

The mechanics of keno are pretty easy. First, a player is given a card or ticket which is called the “Keno board”. This card or ticket will contain 80 numbers from which the player must choose at least ten for each set. A process called “drawball” occurs where a machine called “AKV” is used to help generate the winning numbers. This automated blower contains the balls which will be read by a computer and then forwarded to special processing system for the keno game. A device then which is called a “Random Number Generator” selects these numbers and is later approved by the gaming authorities.

In order to win, the player must make 20 “hits.”

The following will be the basic keno strategies to keep in mind once you have decided to play keno.

The first strategy you have to remember before you begin playing keno is to choose your limits. How much are you willing to bet? How many times are you willing to play? How high are you willing to go when it comes to risk? How much are you willing to lose? It is very important for you to start asking yourself these questions before beginning, to avoid getting lost in the excitement and the heat of the game. Set a limitation for your bankroll and make sure you stick with this. It is more fun to play keno if you know that you have a certain amount that you can afford to lose while at the same time feel the thrill of maybe, just maybe, getting more than you bargained for.

The second strategy is to update your facts constantly. True, the numbers are drawn randomly by the automated keno game generators, but in almost everything, there is an equivalent statistic. Always keep yourself updated with the latest fluctuations in odds. This will greatly help you in your keno game once you start choosing and placing your bets on your numbers. These may be approximations but it betters your chances nonetheless. Choose your numbers well.

The third strategy is pretty tricky, as it involves something that is highly uncontrollable but its presence is undeniable. This is what you call the “lucky streak”. Every once in a while, certain players experience this “lucky streak” and come home cashing a lot of winnings because they were smart enough to trust their instincts. This is a rather elusive but very useful skill for you to master. All it takes is practice, practice, practice. Stick to your limits so you can always enjoy each game without being too stressed about your money.

Another trick that players do is to bet on the same number consistently. Statistically, betting on the same numbers time and time again gives you a higher chance for winning instead of when you bet on many different numbers per game.

Lastly, do not let yourself be consumed by impulse or desire. In a gamble, to let yourself be overridden by these irrational emotions is a very bad idea indeed and could lead to a lot of trouble. Discipline yourself and practice self-control. Stick to your limits and do not be overtaken by the game. Remember, you are playing to have fun, not to gamble away all your money.


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